Matching proximity and diplomacy at the Smart City Expo World Congress

The City Diplomacy Lab joins forces with ETI Chair – IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School and C40 Cities to support the global spread of local, participatory solutions to urban societies’ primary challenges.

Join us at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona for two not-to-be-missed events:

Happy Urban Proximities

🗓 November 15 at 11:30 a.m.

📌 Expo Area | Green Agora

Proximities are at the heart of our quality of life and are critical to transition our lifestyles and our urban and territorial models to achieve SDGs targets.

Together with supporting cities, academia, institutions, NGOs, and thought leaders, ETI Chair has created a Global Proximities Observatory to accelerate the impact of proximities-centric models at the neighborhood, village, municipality, region, or country scale.


  • Prof. Carlos Moreno, Scientific Director, ETI Chair
  • Dr. Lorenzo Kihlgren Grandi, Director, City Diplomacy Lab
  • Ms. Hélène Chartier, Director of Urban Planning and Design, C40
  • Ms. Catherine Gall, Executive Director, ETI Chair

Driving Climate Empowerment Leveraging Proximities and City Diplomacy

🗓 November 15 at 3:00 p.m.

📌 Level 1 | Zone CC1 — 1.1

Join this expert workshop with the lead researchers of ETI Chair at IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School, City Diplomacy Lab at Columbia Global Centers | Paris, and C40 Cities Network to learn how cities and citizens are acting against climate and societal challenges thanks to the 15mn urban model and city diplomacy.

Key takeaways for participants: peer-to-peer learning, research findings, best practices, actionable resources, and tools to drive positive impact.


  • Prof. Carlos Moreno, Scientific Director, ETI Chair
  • Dr. Lorenzo Kihlgren Grandi, Director, City Diplomacy Lab
  • Ms. Hélène Chartier, Director of Urban Planning and Design, C40
  • Ms. Catherine Gall, Executive Director, ETI Chair